Aksar 2 is an upcoming Indian thriller film, directed by Ananth Mahadevan. The film is the sequel to 2006 film Aksar. Sometimes evil raises it's head in the most ordinary minds. Khambatta the ageing owner of an empire is unaware of a diabolical plot being hatched in her own penthouse. Her investment banker seeks to exploit an opportunity but discovers a shocking truth under the labyrinth. The governess, her boy friend, the butler and the banker find Khambatta and the situation spiral out of control. Nothing and nobody are what they seem. AKSAR 2 takes deceit, passion and conspiracy to a suspenseful new high. Star Cast: Gautam Rode, Abhinav Shukla, Zareen Khan, Mohit Madaan, S. Sreesanth, Lillete Dubey In cinemas October 6.



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